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Friday, August 24, 2012


k Pink for Cindy. A landing place to keep updated on a cancer victim's story.

Hello everyone! Welcome to Think Pink for Cindy.

Cindy passed away on Wednesday, August 22, 2012, very suddenly from a vicious cancer attack, leaving behind her loving husband Brad, 10 yr old son Kaelan, and 14 month old daughter Lena. With only 2 weeks notice.

Having just moved from eastern Canada, they had just settled down in Alberta to be closer to family when Cindy became ill. Cancer took Cindy very quickly and unexpectedly, leaving the family devastated while trying to find their new normal once again.

This young family is in need of prayers and financial support. Cindy had no life insurance.

Why Think Pink? 

When good humoured Cindy was receiving radiation, she expressed wishing she had a pink wig to wear for when her own hair fell out. As a complete surprise, a friend brought in a hot pink wig which she sported on Facebook!  She was ecstatic! :)

Cindy ran into health complications shortly after. Friend Amy came up with the idea to launch pictures for Cindy to offer additional support, and collaborating with Lisa and Aunt Donna, they came up with Think Pink for Cindy, a group on Facebook where everyone could band together and offer Cindy encouragement.

Participants eagerly shared pink pictures of all things pink. Over the course of just a few days, Cindy's followers grew to over 800+. The support was absolutely outstanding!

Think Pink slideshow is HERE.

Cindy scrolled through the photos and encouragement daily, exclaiming, "This is crazy!" Updates were made as they transpired, and everyone banded together in an effort to help support a girl in need.

Unfortunately, Cindy lost her fight with cancer. Upon her passing, Think Pink simply needed a more permanent landing page to help support the family, so here we are.

 We are so glad you are here and we hope you will continue to pray and help support Cindy's husband and two young children as they travel through many difficult firsts.

Thank-you so much for visiting Think Pink for Cindy!

Read Cindy's entire story HERE.